Moneysmart has prepared some helpful information about investing and tax, which you will find useful here.
In summary, the primary tax obligations that arise through your investment in a CSF offer will happen if:
The company pays dividends, or
You sell your shares resulting in a gain or loss.
It is important to keep records of your investment in shares, to help you at tax time. In particular, keep a record of:
how much you paid for the shares, and how much you sold the shares for. The company's registry service records this information; and
any income (i.e dividends) you have received for the shares. A company will give you this information if and when they decide to pay a dividend
Check with the companies you've invested in regarding whether they have paid dividends in the relevant financial year, or if you have sold any of your investments during this financial year then you may have some reporting obligations for the capital gain or loss.
If you are unsure, we recommend you seek independent financial, legal or other professional advice.
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